Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Home Fix Makerspace coworking și makerspace pentru firme ORADEA

Having a dedicated makerspace for your kids is a fantastic idea. Giving your child a place and the tools to express their creativity may help them to learn how to manage stress from an earlier age. The kinds of activities that your child will be able to explore in a makerspace are the sort that encourages focus and concentration.

home fix maker space

If you and your kids need some inspiration, then here are some great places to look. The reasons behind scissors being on this list are probably obvious. They are among the most useful tools in existence, no matter what you’re trying to do.

Start StoryMaking to Join the Maker Movement

No matter what sort of projects your kids will be working on, it’s almost a certainty that they will end up making a lot of mess. So you might want to consider ways to make cleaning up easier. Textiles - Fabric scraps, felt, mesh, ribbon, yarn, and string are perfect additions to a makerspace.

You may be surprised at the suggestion of a hot glue gun. A lot of parents worry that they’re dangerous, and their kids will get hurt using one. However, with supervision, kids as young as six can use a hot glue gun safely. Once your kids can use one safely, you’ll realize the advantages. With a hot glue gun, you can make and then use something instantly.

If You Want To Create, Keep Polishing the Mirror

The basics you need are a flat work surface, some essential tools, and materials. Keeping your kid stocked with materials doesn’t have to be expensive either. Cardboard, empty bottles and containers, and old clothes are all excellent maker materials. You can just use a small corner of a shared space if you need to. For most projects, you can figure out how to make it work in a smaller area.

You can find a range of different boxes to suit your needs and preferences. 3D printers are an excellent way for kids to explore both engineering and computing. You don’t have to spend a fortune to get one anymore either. You can find a fantastic selection to choose from for under $200. If your kid is interested in electronics projects, then you might want to invest in a wide selection of LEDs and batteries .

Support NAEYC

There has emerged a category of DIY tech tools that have been dubbed maker tech. Luckily, there are tons of storage solutions around these days. To get some idea of what’s available, go to a container store or other retailer that has lots of storage tech. Take photos or download pictures of storage systems you think you might want to use. If a lot of your store materials and supplies are small, you obviously don’t want to buy a bunch of big bins that your items will get lost in.

home fix maker space

You don’t have to wait overnight for the glue to cure, it’s strong and versatile. If your child likes to invent and construct things, this is an essential tool. Labels can be a good idea for keeping storage organized. For younger kids, you might want to include a picture of what a clean workspace looks like. If you train your little maker to tidy up after themselves, it will save a lot of heartache down the line.

Some kids only need to be pointed at a makerspace, and they’ll be away. Their imaginations will take them on an adventure. Other kids like to have some structure and guidance to help them get started. It’s totally normal for kids to feel overwhelmed if they’re given total freedom.

home fix maker space

The maker movement is simply an empowering identity and a community gathered around learning, sharing, and celebrating this very fundamental of human activities. Of course, these radiating rings of tools change depending on what project or aspects of a project you are working on. Adam has much of his shop on lockable caster wheels so that he can re-configure his workspace as his project needs dictate. Keep this in mind while designing your space and plan on plenty of rolling carts and machines, work surfaces, and other shop furniture mounted on lockable casters.

Specialty Tools

At the Home-Fix maker space, a day pass costs $20, while a monthly one costs $120. More people here are becoming interested in making their own things, said Mr William Hooi, 41, an event and creative consultant who organises "maker gatherings". About 300 people showed up for a meet-up two months ago, up from about 20 at the first one in January last year.

home fix maker space

For that, you can use a 3D design app, like Sketch Up. One of the many wonderful things that has come out of the maker movement is public (and members-only) workshops known as makerspaces . These are places where you can go to use the space’s tools, take classes in various forms of DIY, collaborate on projects, and to just have a fun place to go to make and socialize. If you haven’t looked into it, check to see if you have a makerspace in your area. They’re popping up all over — in dedicated spaces, libraries, schools, and church basements. For physical computing electronics work, you’ll need a special set of tools.

One of the first decisions you’ll need to make is which part of your home you’re going to turn over to your kids. You may already have a space in mind, but if not, you might want to pick a spot that has easy access to a sink. Step back and let your minimakers do their thing. If children are really stumped, get their gears turning with some project ideas. Cardboard - Boxes, toilet paper and paper towel cylinders, egg cartons, and other miscellaneous cardboard scraps are easy to gather from around the house. Beyond cardboard, add molded styrofoam and shaped acrylic foam packaging.

home fix maker space

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